
Park Glass Industry and Trade Inc. The 5th article of the integrated policy states that “We undertake to prevent environmental pollution and attach importance to clean technology by considering the environmental impacts in all our activities”. In this direction, as an enterprise, we provide services for the purpose of both operation, control and providing these elements in terms of carrying out clean technology that will prevent all kinds of environmental pollution, taking into account the environmental effects in all activities of our enterprise, and attaching importance to the environmental awareness of the new technologies to be provided.


As an environmentalist organization, one of our basic policies as Park Glass Industry and Trade Inc. is to instill environmental awareness in employees by giving importance to clean technology. In this direction, The principle of striving to leave the environment is adopted as the basic principle that we provide a clean environment for our future generations by providing information about general environmental information, environmental laws, environmental practices in our factory, waste management and TS EN 14001:2015 Environmental Management System, both with the environmental orientation training given to every new employee and the training given to our personnel periodically every year.

Park Glass has started to implement the zero-waste project since its establishment in 2013, that is, even before the Zero Waste Idea had been put forward. The foundations of a waste-to-raw material awareness were laid by working to reduce the amount of non-hazardous waste that needs to be disposed of by collecting waste separately at its source, with 7 different color containers placed throughout the factory. Recyclable waste collected separately at the source is sent to licensed recycling and recycling facilities, thereby reducing the pollution load for both the country and the world ecosystem. In this context, our business has a Zero Waste Certificate.


The recycling issue, which is one of the constant and unique elements of the Zero Waste Project, reduces both the waste accumulation and the use of own resources, and constitutes an indispensable part of a sustainable world in terms of energy efficiency by consuming less energy (natural gas, electricity, etc.). Our company, which has adopted this awareness since its foundation years, has become the first and only glass packaging production facility in its sector to have this license, with the Glass Packaging Waste Recycling license certificate it received in 2016 in line with the project of obtaining products from waste. 430 tons of waste glass in 2018 and 276 tons in 2019 from collection and separation facilities across the country, 279 waste glass cullet in 2020 was recovered and brought back to the economy. With these studies, our projects to reduce CO2 emissions, which are of great importance for the ecosystem, continue with all our determination. Also, in this context, dissemination of glass waste collection and recycling throughout the country, recycling Glass Packaging Wastes to the economy within the scope of the current ‘Packaging Waste Control Regulation fulfilling the obligations of collecting glass packaging waste on behalf of Marketers and Glass Packaging Manufacturers, and sustainable raw material source of Glass Packaging Wastes, the United Glass Packaging Fillers and Manufacturers Foundation (BIRCAM) was established under the leadership of our business.

Our company has TS EN ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certificate and in this context, it provides all kinds of control, operation and sustainability related to the system.

Bozüyük Organized Industrial Zone (BORSAB) Wastewater Treatment Facility, built by our company, is operated by our company and domestic and industrial waste waters of nearly 20 different active companies in BORSAB are treated and discharged to a warehouse in accordance with environmental laws and regulations. The accumulated water is sent to the Iron-Steel factory in the Organized Industrial Zone to ensure that the Water Footprint of all industrial enterprises is 0.

With the operation of the Continuous Emission Measurement System (CEMS) and devices in both two 102 m chimneys connected to our furnaces within our enterprise, we ensure that NOX, SOX emissions are monitored momentarily and the readings are transmitted to the Ministry System and can be controlled by the ministry officials.

In addition, duties are carried out to ensure that all legal requirements and obligations of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization are fully fulfilled, implemented and maintained in terms of legislation.

Since the day we were founded, we have been determined to pay our debt to nature by planting more than 5000 saplings and trees both within the borders of the factory and in the surrounding towns and villages, with the principle of green environment.

As Park Glass, instead of increasing the use of natural resources, we strive to develop our technology to meet our needs from waste and renewable resources, that is, to achieve the implementation of sustainable environment, circular economy and sustainable development, and to protect the ecosystem and ecological balance, which can also be defined as the human-nature balance.